The Teen Relationship Abuse Safety Plan is a comprehensive and practical guide specifically designed to assist teenagers who are experiencing abuse in their relationships. The safety plan focuses on different aspects of their lives to ensure their safety and well-being.
The guide provides strategies for staying safe at school, home, and emotionally, empowering teenagers to recognise warning signs and develop coping mechanisms in abusive situations. It also emphasises the importance of seeking help within their community, connecting them with local support services and resources.
Additionally, the safety plan addresses the importance of maintaining daily safety measures in various areas of their lives, including their social life and online presence. It offers guidance on setting boundaries, protecting themselves online, and promoting healthy relationships.
By providing clear and actionable steps, the Teen Relationship Abuse Safety Plan enables teenagers to take control of their safety and make informed decisions. It empowers them to develop personalised strategies and access the support they need to navigate abusive relationships and prioritize their well-being.
It covers the following areas:
- Staying safe at school
- Staying safe at home
- Staying safe emotionally
- Getting help in your community
- These are things I can do to help keep myself safe every day
- These are things I can do to help keep myself safe in my social life
- These are things I can do to stay safe online and with my mobile phone
Family Safety Plan – A Child with Problematic Sexual Behaviours
The “Family Safety Plan” is a vital resource for parents managing a child with problematic sexual behaviours. This guide offers practical and clear rules to ensure the safety and well-being of all family members. It provides strategies for supervising interactions, setting boundaries, and fostering open communication. The plan helps parents create a structured and supportive environment while allowing children to engage in typical activities safely.