Strengthening Families Program: Handouts & Worksheets

Strengthening Families Program: Handouts & Worksheets“Strengthening Families Program: Handouts & Worksheets” is a comprehensive resource that supports the Strengthening Families Program for children aged 7-17. The program aims to enhance family relationships and develop essential life skills in children. This booklet contains a wide range of handouts and worksheets organised into various lessons. Each lesson focuses on a specific aspect of family dynamics and personal development.

The handouts and worksheets provided in this resource offer practical tools and activities that parents and caregivers can utilise to engage their children in meaningful discussions and promote positive behavior. They encourage the development of essential pro-social skills necessary for successful life outcomes.


The Happy Family—Healthy Brain Connection
Essential Skills
Keeping Your Family Safe and Happy
Family Conversation Jar
Planning for Family Dinners
My Time
Stomping the ANTs
Understanding Brain Development
How to Have a Healthy Brain
Four Family Fun
Mindfulness, Part 1
Mindfulness, Part 2
Mindfulness, Part 3
Mindfulness, Part 4

Look for and Compliment the Good Daily
Look for and Compliment the Good, Tracking Sheet—Adult
Look for and Compliment the Good, Tracking Sheet—Child
Look for and Compliment the Good, Tracking Sheet—Teen
The Power of Praising and Ignoring
40 Phrases That Praise
Three Easy Instant Stress-Busters
What Makes Our Family Strong—Our Family Tree
What Makes Our Family Strong—Family Tree Leaves
What Makes Our Family Strong—Personal and Family Strengths
Lesson 1 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life

Communicate with Love and Understanding
Three Easy Communication Skills, Tracking Sheet—Adult
Three Easy Communication Skills, Tracking Sheet—Teen
Three Easy Communication Skills, Tracking Sheet—Child
The Listening Stick
Being Assertive Pays Off
Banishing Communication Boulders—The Dirty Dozen
Banishing Communication Boulders—Family Agreement
Banishing Communication Boulders Game
Family Meeting Agenda and Rules
Tips for Talking with Teens
Safe and Cool Conversations
The Problem Pass
Lesson 2 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life

The Five Rs for a Happy Home
Our Family Rules!
Family-Friendly Rules, Tracking Sheet—Teen
Family-Friendly Rules, Tracking Sheet—Child
Track and Reward for Good Behavior
Making Rewards Rewarding
Reward Jar
Family Responsibilities and Chores
Chore Chart
What Chores Can Young Kids Do?
Stress-Busting Routines
Happy Family Rituals
Track and Reward for Good Behavior—Bee Good Chart
Track and Reward for Good Behavior—High-5s
Track and Reward for Good Behavior—Brain Gain Chart
Track and Reward for Good Behavior—Earning Your Stripes
Rewards Spinner
Lesson 3 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life

Limits and Consequences
Positive Discipline
Choosing Effective Negative Consequences
Chore Jar
Calm Consequences Reduce Conflict, Tracking Sheet—Adult
I Stayed Calm! Tracking Sheet—Teen
I Stayed Calm! Tracking Sheet—Child
Lesson 4 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life
Skills for Successful Parenting—Handling Stressful Situations
Skills for Successful Parenting—Correcting Behavior
Track and Reward for Positive Practice—Brain Gain Chart
Track and Reward Positive Practice—High-5s
Track and Reward for Positive Practice—Bee Good Chart

Problem Solving and Negotiation Skills
Problem Solving Worksheet
Win-Win Negotiation Worksheet
Pre-Problem Solving Steps
Pre-Problem Solving Worksheet
The 5 Cs to Stay Smart and Safe
Lesson 5 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life

Stress and Anger Management Skills
Managing Stress—Causes, Symptoms, Reducers
Managing Stress—Relaxation Techniques
Managing Stress—Stress Test
Calm Anger by Rethinking Your “Stories”
Tracking and Taming the Anger Monster—Five Simple Steps
Tracking and Taming the Anger Monster—Applying the Steps
Tracking and Taming the Anger Monster—Worksheet for Kids
Step Out of Anger—Instructions
Step Out of Anger—Step One
Step Out of Anger—Step Two
Step Out of Anger—Step Three
Step Out of Anger—Step Four
Step Out of Anger—Step Five
Face Up to Your Feelings
Family Agreement for Dealing with Conflict
Building Emotional Control
Lesson 6 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life, Part 1
Lesson 6 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life, Part 2
Lesson 6 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life, Part 3

Goals and Contracts to Change Behavior
Helping Kids Change for the Better
Achieving My Goals and Dreams
Making S.M.A.R.T. Goals
My Goals
Contract for Change
Assessing Strengthsand Skills
Time Master—Achieving Your Goals
Tips for School Success
My Homework Routine
Budget and Tracking Sheet
Lesson 7 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life, Part 1
Lesson 7 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life, Part 2
Discover and Share Your Talents and Gifts

No Alcohol, Tobacco or Other Drugs (A.T.O.D.)
Keeping Kids Alcohol- and Drug-Free
Alcohol Harms a Teen’s Developing Brain
Marijuana Harms Brain Development
I Can Have a Healthy, Powerful Brain
Family Protective Strategies
The 5 Cs to Stay Smart and Safe
Family Freedom Pledge
Freedom Pledge to Never Drink and Drive
Lesson 8 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life
The Risks of Prescription Drug Abuse

Choosing Good Friends and Monitoring Activities
The 5 Cs to Stay Smart and Safe
Making and Becoming a Good Friend
I Can Be a Good Friend
Stop Bullying!
Monitoring Kids’ Activities
Assess Your Child’s Risk for A.T.O.D. use
Lesson 9 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life

Values, Traditions, and Service

Fun Family Traditions
I Can Contribute
I Have Power to Do Good
Shield Your Family by Sharing Your Values
Keeping the Changes We’ve Made
Lesson 10 Pro-Social Skills for a Successful Life
Talking with Your Kids about Sex

1 Creating Stable Families, Part 1
2 Creating Stable Families, Part 2 (Foundation, romance wheel, fence)
3 Creating Stable Families, Part 3 (House)
4 Couple’s Time: Questions to Reconnect
5 Making Happy Marriages, Part 1 (Skills and attitudes)
6 Making Happy Marriages, Part 2 (Plan for increasing love, correcting errors)
7 Making Happy Marriages, Part 3 (Tips for dealing with toxic behavior)