How Do You Want Your Kids to Remember You: A Workbook For Fathers Who Have Harmed Their Partners and Families and Want to Change

A Workbook For Fathers Who Have Harmed Their Partners and Families and Want to Change How Do You Want Your Kids to Remember You-thumbnail

“How Do You Want Your Kids to Remember You?A Workbook for Fathers Who Have Harmed Their Partners and Families and Want to Change” is a detailed and transformative guide designed for fathers seeking to change their harmful behaviors towards their partners and families. This workbook is an essential tool for professionals working with individuals involved in domestic violence or seeking to improve their familial relationships. The key elements of the workbook include:

  1. Guided Self-Reflection: The workbook starts with exercises that encourage fathers to reflect on their hopes for their children, fostering a deeper understanding of the impact of their actions on their family’s well-being.

  2. Understanding Children’s Perspectives: It includes sections on how children might perceive their fathers, offering insights into the effects of harmful behavior from a child’s point of view.

  3. Confronting the Truth: The workbook encourages fathers to ‘get real’ about their actions and their consequences, promoting honesty and accountability.

  4. Recognizing the Impact on Children: It highlights the often-overlooked fact that harming a partner also harms the children, emphasizing the importance of breaking the cycle of abuse for the sake of the family’s future.

  5. Halting Harmful Actions: The workbook guides fathers through the process of stopping harmful behaviors towards their partner and children, which is a crucial first step in the journey of change.

  6. Modeling Positive Behavior: It stresses the importance of not just stopping negative behaviors, but also actively modeling positive behavior for their children.

  7. Exploring the Potential for Change: The workbook addresses the possibility of personal change and healing in harmed relationships, providing hope and direction for fathers committed to transformation.

  8. Honest Self-Evaluation: Exercises include a focus on stopping self-deception and accepting responsibility for one’s actions, which are key components of meaningful change.

  9. Understanding Children’s Needs: The workbook delves into what children need and want from their fathers, helping to realign paternal actions with the best interests of the children.

  10. Long-term Vision: Finally, it encourages fathers to consider how they want to be remembered by their children, which serves as a powerful motivation for sustained change.

  11. Resource Guidance: The workbook concludes with a resource section, providing additional support and guidance for fathers on their journey towards positive change.

This comprehensive workbook serves as an invaluable resource for professionals aiding fathers in their path to become better parents and partners, fostering healthier family dynamics and emotional well-being for all involved.



Support for Working with Domestic Abusers: 1-1 Programme Manual

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Structured Intervention to Address Domestic Abuse Workbook

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Managing Jealousy Leaflet-thumbnail