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Dealing With Depression: Antidepressant Skills for Teens
Dealing With Depression: Antidepressant Skills for Teens is a comprehensive handbook that addresses various aspects of depression, including its definition, causes, and treatment. The handbook provides valuable information and insights…
Young people’s safety questionnaire/toolkit
The Young People’s Safety Questionnaire/Toolkit is a valuable resource for professionals working with young people aged 13 to 18. Its purpose is to initiate discussions about safety in a non-accusatory…
Sensory Strategies: Teenager Information Pack
The Sensory Strategies: Teenager Information Pack is a comprehensive resource designed to provide valuable insights and practical advice for teenagers and parents navigating sensory processing difficulties. It covers topics such…
Reward Coupons
Reward Coupons can be a valuable tool for parents looking to effectively manage their child’s behavior and encourage positive actions. By providing parents with education on consistency, follow-through, and the…
Mindfulness, relaxation & yoga videos for kids
‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’ channel on YouTube The ‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’ channel on YouTube offers over 100 videos designed to engage kids in yoga, mindfulness, and relaxation activities. These interactive adventures…