Children’s Wishes and Feelings Shield: To help children participate in social care and protection assessments

Children’s Wishes and Feelings Shield: To help children participate in social care and protection assessments

The Children’s Wishes and Feelings Shield is a valuable tool designed to empower children and enable their active participation in social care and protection assessments. This worksheet is specifically created for social workers to gain meaningful insights into a child’s perspective, allowing them to express their views and feelings about their life and family.

The worksheet is structured to prompt children to share their thoughts on different aspects of their life. It encourages them to identify what is working well and what may not be working well in their family and surroundings. By providing an opportunity for children to express their wishes and desires, the worksheet allows them to voice their preferences and needs.

Through the Children’s Wishes and Feelings Shield, social workers can better understand a child’s perspective on their well-being, safety, and overall happiness. This information is crucial for creating effective care plans and interventions that truly address the child’s unique needs and concerns.