Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): The Facts Guide

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): The Facts GuideThis is an informational booklet that provides key facts about female genital mutilation (FGM) and guidance on the issue. It clearly explains what FGM is, the types of procedures involved, and that it is illegal in the UK.

The booklet covers how many girls and women are affected globally and within migrant communities in the UK. It outlines UK laws prohibiting FGM and recent legal developments including protection orders, anonymity for victims, and mandated reporting.

Health consequences are described such as infections, complications in childbirth, and psychological trauma. The booklet emphasises FGM constitutes child abuse and is not supported by any religious doctrine.

Signs that a girl may be at risk of or has undergone FGM are listed. Guidance is provided on steps to take if concerned about someone at risk including who to consult and helplines to contact. There is also advice directed at girls worried about being at risk.

The booklet concludes with a case study sharing one woman’s experience and a list of organisations offering help and further information about FGM.

Overall this concise guide serves as an invaluable awareness-raising and reference tool on the key facts around FGM and avenues for advice and reporting concerns. The direct instructions make it practical for professionals, affected communities and girls at risk.