Mindfulness, relaxation & yoga videos for kids

Mindfulness, relaxation & yoga videos for kids

‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’ channel on YouTube

The ‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’ channel on YouTube offers over 100 videos designed to engage kids in yoga, mindfulness, and relaxation activities. These interactive adventures are not only fun but also help children develop strength, balance, and confidence. By introducing kids to yoga and mindfulness early on, the channel promotes their overall well-being and encourages a positive mindset. The videos provide a creative and engaging way for children to participate in yoga exercises and practice mindfulness techniques. Parents, educators, and caregivers can utilise these resources to incorporate mindful movement and relaxation into children’s daily routines. Whether it’s through imaginative storytelling or guided yoga sequences, the ‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’ channel offers a variety of content that makes mindfulness and yoga accessible and enjoyable for kids.