Boys 2: Workbook supporting boys to develop healthy sexual relationships

Boys 2: Workbook supporting boys to develop healthy sexual relationships

“Boys 2: Workbook Supporting Boys to Develop Healthy Sexual Relationships” is a resource workbook developed as part of Barnardo’s BOYS 2 Research Project. The project aims to support professionals in working with boys and young men at risk of child sexual exploitation (CSE) by reducing risk and promoting healthy adult relationships.

The workbook provides a range of exercises and activities that professionals can use to engage boys and young men in discussions and reflections about healthy relationships. It encourages self-awareness, understanding of emotions, critical thinking about identity, and the development of problem-solving and coping skills.

By utilising the workbook, professionals can support boys and young men in reducing risk and navigating the complexities of relationships, ultimately empowering them to develop healthy and positive sexual relationships as they move forward in life.

Part 1: Boys and Young Men at Risk of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Using this Resource
Part 2: Workbook Exercises
Theme 1: Getting to Know Me
Exercise 1.1 Problem-free activities
Exercise 1.2 Attunement activities
Theme 2: Seeing the Whole Picture
Exercise 2.1 My Journey
Exercise 2.2 My Relationships
Exercise 2.3 Feeling Safe
Theme 3: Troubled not Trouble
Exercise 3.1 A Developmental approach
Exercise3.2 Child first behaviour second
Exercise 3.3 Flipping your lid
Exercise 3.4 Feelings in my body
Theme 4: My Identity
Exercise 4.1 What is Identity
Exercise 4.2 Positive and Negative Identity
Exercise 4.3 My Own Identity
Exercise 4.4 Gender Stereotypes
Exercise 4.5 Boys will be Boys game
Theme 5: Healthy Relationships
Exercise 5.1 Defining relationships
Exercise 5.2 Power in relationships
Exercise 5.3 Behaviours in My Relationships
Exercise 5.4 Healthy Sexual Relationships Jigsaw
Theme 6: Relationship Repair
Exercise 6.1 Building bridges
Exercise 6.2 ‘Time Together Jar’
Theme 7: Problem Solving and Coping Skills
Exercise 7.1 Emotions Words
Exercise 7.2 I feel, I think
Exercise 7.3 Conflict Resolution SODA
Exercise 7.4 Choices and Consequences
Exercise 7.5 Calm Box
Exercise 7.6 Meeting My Needs
Theme 8: Moving Forward
Exercise 8.1 Goal Setting
Exercise 8.2 Achieving My Goals
Exercise 8.3 Solution Focussed Goals
Exercise 8.4 Preferred Future
Exercise 8.5 Safety Net
Exercise 8.6 Looking into the Future
Exercise 8.7 Helping Hand