My Sister Has Died: A Children’s Guide Following the Death of a Sister

My Sister Has Died A Children’s Guide Following the Death of a Sister-thumbnail“My Sister Has Died: A Children’s Guide Following the Death of a Sister” is an invaluable resource created by the Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust, designed to help children cope with the profound loss of a sister. Authored by Dr. Jennifer Kelly, a General Practitioner and founder of the trust, this booklet is aimed at providing clear and simple support for young ones as they navigate through their grief journey.

This guide offers a sensitive and understanding approach to explaining the concept of death in a manner that is accessible to children. It reassures them that the myriad of emotions they may be experiencing, such as sadness, confusion, or even anger, are normal and valid. It emphasizes that while their sister cannot return, the love they shared and the memories they created together will always remain.

The booklet includes practical advice for parents and carers on how to talk about death, manage their own grief, and support their child through this difficult time. It suggests activities to help children express their feelings and keep the memory of their sister alive, such as looking at photos, sharing stories, or visiting places that were special to them. The guide also underscores the importance of maintaining routines to provide a sense of security and normalcy.

Key benefits of this resource include its compassionate guidance on helping children understand death, encouraging them to express their feelings in healthy ways, and offering strategies to remember and honor their sister’s life. It’s a tool not only for bereaved families but also for educators, counsellors, and healthcare professionals seeking to support children dealing with loss.



Goodbye Baby: A Storybook for Children about Miscarriage

This storybook is a touching and gentle narrative aimed at helping young children understand and process the loss of a sibling due to miscarriage. Through Cameron’s story, the book explores complex emotions like confusion, grief, and acceptance, offering a comforting perspective on a difficult topic. It aims to open up conversations between children and adults, providing a way to express feelings and come to terms with loss, while also holding onto love and memories.

Goodbye Baby: A Storybook for Children about Miscarriage

The Fall of Freddie the Leaf: A Story of Life for All Ages

“The Fall of Freddie the Leaf: A Story of Life for All Ages” by Leo Buscaglia is a poignant, illustrative story that explores the cycle of life through the metaphor of a leaf named Freddie. Set against the backdrop of a large, sturdy tree, the tale follows Freddie and his fellow leaves through the seasons, highlighting their changes, challenges, and the inevitable conclusion of their journey. This narrative serves as a gentle introduction to the concepts of life, death, and the natural cycle, making it accessible and comforting for readers of all ages.

The Fall of Freddie the Leaf: A Story of Life for All Ages

Talking to Children about Miscarriage: Guide for Parents

“Talking to Children about Miscarriage: Guide for Parents” provides compassionate advice for parents on how to discuss the sensitive topic of miscarriage with children. Recognizing the varied reactions and understanding levels among children, this guide offers practical suggestions on explaining pregnancy loss, managing one’s own emotions while addressing children’s concerns, and using books and activities as tools for healing. It underscores the importance of honesty, simple explanations, and reassurance that the child is not at fault, aiming to support families through a difficult time with sensitivity and care.

Talking to Children about Miscarriage: Guide for Parents

Supporting Children When a Baby Has Died: Guide for Parents

This is a comprehensive resource developed by Sands to support families navigating the heartbreak of losing a baby. It offers guidance on how to communicate the loss to children of various ages, acknowledging their unique ways of understanding and processing grief. The guide also provides strategies for managing children’s reactions, involving them in the mourning process, and maintaining routines to offer a sense of stability. Additionally, it addresses the emotional impact on parents, emphasizing the importance of self-care and seeking support. This booklet aims to foster an environment of open communication and healing for the entire family during a profoundly difficult time.

Supporting Children When a Baby Has Died Guide for Parents