Ruby’s Dad: A Story of Living with a Heavily Drinking Parent

Ruby's Dad: A Story of Living with a Heavily Drinking Parent

“Ruby’s Dad: A Story of Living with a Heavily Drinking Parent” is a compassionate and insightful storybook aimed at supporting children aged 6 to 11 years old who are experiencing the challenges of living with a parent or family member struggling with alcohol abuse. The narrative follows Ruby, a young girl who notices a gradual change in her family’s dynamics as her father starts to consume large quantities of alcohol. The story delicately explores the range of emotions and situations Ruby faces, including confusion, fear, and embarrassment, as well as the impact of her father’s drinking on the entire family. It addresses complex themes such as responsibility, the process of seeking help, and the ongoing journey of recovery, all through the lens of a child’s experience.


  • Promotes Understanding and Empathy: Helps children understand that they are not alone in their experiences and that their feelings are valid.
  • Encourages Open Communication: Serves as a conversation starter for children and adults, encouraging families to discuss difficult topics in a supportive environment.
  • Educational Resource: Provides an accessible way for children to learn about alcohol abuse and its effects on families.
  • Supports Emotional Health: Offers reassurance to children affected by a parent’s drinking, highlighting that the situation is not their fault and that help is available.
  • Inspires Hope: Conveys a message of hope and recovery, showing that change is possible with support and effort.

How It Can Be Used:

  • In Family Settings: Parents, carers, and other family members can read the book with children, using it as a tool to discuss personal feelings and experiences related to a family member’s drinking.
  • In Educational and Therapeutic Settings: Teachers, counsellors, and therapists can incorporate the book into their sessions with children to address issues of substance abuse in a family context.
  • Support Groups: The story can be shared in support group meetings for children who have a parent struggling with alcohol, providing a relatable narrative that can ease discussions.
  • Community Outreach: Organisations focused on child welfare, substance abuse prevention, and family support can use the book in their outreach efforts to educate and provide solace to affected children and families.

“Ruby’s Dad” is not just a story; it’s a resource that acknowledges the struggles faced by children living with a heavily drinking parent. By offering a narrative that children can see themselves in, it paves the way for healing, understanding, and positive change within families navigating the challenges of alcohol abuse.



Cutting Down: Alcohol and Your Health – Guide for Adults

The “Cutting Down” booklet is part of the “Alcohol and Your Health” series, providing practical advice and tools for individuals who wish to reduce their alcohol consumption. It offers insights into understanding one’s drinking habits, the impact of alcohol on health, and strategies for cutting down, including setting personal drinking limits, monitoring intake through a drinking diary, and dealing with various challenges that might trigger excessive drinking. The guide emphasizes the importance of moderation, the physiological effects of alcohol, and encourages seeking support to maintain healthier drinking patterns.

Cutting Down: Alcohol and Your Health - Guide for Adults

Stopping Drinking: Alcohol and Your Health – Guide for Adults

The “Cutting Down” booklet is part of the “Alcohol and Your Health” series, providing practical advice and tools for individuals who wish to reduce their alcohol consumption. It offers insights into understanding one’s drinking habits, the impact of alcohol on health, and strategies for cutting down, including setting personal drinking limits, monitoring intake through a drinking diary, and dealing with various challenges that might trigger excessive drinking. The guide emphasizes the importance of moderation, the physiological effects of alcohol, and encourages seeking support to maintain healthier drinking patterns.

Stopping Drinking: Alcohol and Your Health - Guide for Adults